As someone who googles a lot of sustainable and “Green” companies, I can tell you the interesting results that come from these searches. Sadly not all of my results hit the mark, despite my best efforts to fine tune my key words. Which made me ponder, how does a Green Company get their organization to stand out in an internet search? What SEO tips can one employ to help their business and their values reach the online community?

The first line of action is how does your company appear in the “positioning” of the search- towards the top of the results or at the bottom? Take a moment and google your company and review the results. You might want to explore at least 3 search engines to accomplish this to see how they can differ in the results.

One of the main decisions about how an eco business markets itself offline & online is whether to lead with the eco/ethical message or position in the same space as other companies. So let’s look at the options.

You can position yourself, from an eco/ethical position (Niched) or get in the “mix” with other similar companies (More competitive) or straddle them both and do a mix of niched and competitive. When considering potential traffic on the web, the “mix” option may be a better one for some organizations.

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