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Back in June, IBM took the steps to form a “Green Sigma Coalition” in the quest to partner with metering, monitoring, automation, and communication software leaders for “Green” Solutions.
This industry alliance with key leaders will provide smart solutions for energy, water, waste and greenhouse gas management. The charter members of the “Green Sigma” are: Johnson Controls, Honeywell Building Solutions, ABB, Eaton, Cisco, Siemens Building Technologies Division, Schneider Electric and SAP. These members will work with IBM to integrate their products and services with IBM’s Green Sigma solution.
This in turn, will allow companies using these combined solutions to better understand energy and water usage, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions across their business operations and make changes to improve efficiency, reduce consumption and waste, and lower environmental impact.
IBM realized that as organizations work to create a greener, smarter planet, this can’t be accomplished in silo’s. Working together and bringing the strength of each organization to bare, this coalition can create solutions the world needs to conserve resources and address climate change, quicker than if they would try to accomplish this task alone.
These new relationships support IBM’s “smarter planet” initiative, which envisions a world where everything is instrumented, interconnected and intelligent.